Escrow Requirements List  
Please click on the above Escrow Requirements List for information that may be required by your realtor(s) or escrow, and are available

in this website in the Documents, Fees, Finances, and Meetings sections.  Also, the items listed below must be included in escrow.

Transfer Fee

When a property is sold and put into escrow, a transfer fee of $500 must be included in the closing costs, usually paid by the buyer, and is
 payable to Kula Nani Estates to cover the cost of changing the Homeowners Association records to the new owner(s) of the property.


Final Water Meter Reading
Once the escrow closing date is established, the realtor(s) or escrow agent must notify Kula Nani Estates of the closing date so that the

water meter can be read and the calculated charge is included in the escrow closing costs.


Pro-Ration of Monthly Fees

The realtor or escrow agent must notify Kula Nani Estates of the closing date for pro-rata calculations of both the monthly maintenance

fee and the reserve fee to be included in the escrow closing costs.  If the date changes Kula Nani must be notified of the new date.


 Please refer to the “Contact Us” page for contact information.